Duck race portion of Ken-Ducky Derby postponed, other activities still happening

June 07, 2024

In a statement from KCEOC Director of Communications Keith Greene, it was announced Friday afternoon that the duck race portion of the annual KCEOC Ken-Ducky Derby event has been postponed due to unforeseen river conditions with the Cumberland River. The event, scheduled for Saturday, June 8, has been tentatively rescheduled for Friday, July 19.

Though the duck race has been postponed, all other festivities are still on for the Saturday, June 8 at Thompson Park, to include games, Kentucky's largest inflatable waterslide, free lunch, karaoke with DJ Sammie, live music from PTY and County Wide, community resources and giveaways from community partners, as well as the park's splash pad, and more.

"We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause," the release stated.

More information about the July 19 rescheduled duck race will be published in the near future.

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