Ledford receives exemplary ratings in all categories for past school year

June 24, 2024

The Knox County Board of Education met in executive session during their June 13 meeting to reflect on Superintendent Jeremy Ledford’s leadership and progress in moving the district forward during the past year.

Returning from executive session, Board Chairman Dr. William Ashburn announced to those in the audience and watching online that Ledford was rated exemplary, the highest level, in all seven areas of leadership.

The Board noted several specific items in each of the standards that made Ledford stand out among other superintendents and school districts throughout the state.

In strategic leadership, changes to the structure of grade levels and academics were among noted items.  “More opportunities for kids to be involved is a must for our district.  Just to name a few,  new 6th grade Academic Coaches, color guard opportunities for the high schools, grades 2/3 Cheer teams,  grades 2/3 grade basketball, cross country county league events to recognize our own students, and new athletic directors to promote youth athletics and oversee district programs.”

Ledford stated afterwards, “One of the most important aspects of KCPS is our schools creating a culture and vision that sets direction for the future educationally and with extracurricular activities. Getting kids involved and a reason to come to school is how we see an increase in attendance and culture. We have several items on the board to help facilitate our vision of continuously growing to be top 10% in the state.”

Other areas included instructional leadership which Ledford explained centered around setting high expectations for each school in the district.  Examples were the number of schools in the top 10% or top 25% of all schools on the Kentucky Summative Assessment.

Culturally, Knox County has seen increases throughout the district in participation in several opportunities.  High attendance day was held on September 13 with awards presented at each grade level.  The second annual Hot Wheels drive for Shriner’s Children blown away last year’s number of cars collected.  Throughout the district students and staff participated in many school-level theme and spirit days along with staff participating in spirit Friday’s, wearing their school attire.

Employees throughout the school year received two one time stipend payments, paid prior to winter break and summer break, to express the Board’s appreciation for their work throughout the year and past years as schools rebound from COVID.

Ledford could not express enough appreciation for all of the achievements that the Board provided funding for and approved during the past year.

“I want to thank you all for always doing what is best for kids, employees, and our district.   Again, I want to say thank you.

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