Classifieds and Public Notices - Week of 6-26-24

June 28, 2024


Knox County Utility Commission is taking applications for a full-time office clerk. Applicants must be 18 or older, have a high school diploma or GED, a valid driver’s license, and be able to pass a drug test. Applications are available at the Knox County Utility office at 1905 KY 930, Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Knox County Utility is an equal opportunity provider and employer.



Pursuant to Application Number 918-0504 AM-3

In accordance with KRS 350.070 notice is hereby given that Alden Resources LLC 332 West Cumberland Gap Parkway, Suite 100, Corbin, Kentucky 40701 has applied for a permit for an amendment to an existing permit for a surface, auger/highwall coal mining and reclamation operation. The amendment will add 70.86 surface acres and 104.64 Auger/HWM acres affecting 574.42 acres located 5.25 miles east of Rockholds in Whitley & Knox Counties.

The proposed amendment area is approximately 5.25 miles east of Rockholds in Whitley & Knox County Kentucky, and is approximately 0.64 miles east of KY 1064 junction with Terrell Hollow Road.

The proposed amendment is located on the Rockholds, KY 7½ minute quadrangle map. The amendment area will use a combination of contour, and auger/highwall miner methods of surface mining. The surface mining area to be disturbed by the amendment is owned by Bobby Joe Terrell, Sherrie Grant, David Beller, Verna Dcker and Brian Elliott.

The application has been filed for public inspection at the Department for Surface Mining and Reclamation and Enforcement’s, Middlesboro Regional Office, 1804 East Cumberland Avenue, Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965-1229. Written comments, objections or requests for a permit conference must be filed with the Director, Division of Mine Permits, 300 Sower Boulevard, 2nd Floor Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.

ENDS 7-3-2024

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