Classifieds and Public Notices - Week of 9-11-24
September 13, 2024
Pursuant to Application Number 861-5367 NW
In accordance with KRS 350.055, notice is hereby given that Alden Resources LLC 332 West Cumberland Gap Parkway, Suite 100 Corbin, Kentucky 40701, has applied for a permit for a underground coal mining operation located 2.5 miles northwest of Baughman in Knox County. The proposed operation will disturb 12.66 surface acres within the permit boundary.
The proposed operation is approximately 0.5 miles east of KY 25E junction with KY 223 and located 0.1 miles north of Stinking creek.
The proposed operation is located on the Artemus U.S.G.S. 7 ½ minute quadrangle maps. The surface area to be disturbed is owned by James S. Stewart III & Maryanne Stewart. The operation will affect an area within 100 feet of public road KY 223. The operation will not involve relocation or closure of the public road.
The application has been filed for public inspection at the Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement Middlesboro Regional Office, 1804 East Cumberland Avenue, Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965-1229. Written comments, objections, or requests for a permit conference must be filed with the Director, Division of Mine Permits, 300 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
Permit Number 826-0702
In accordance with the provisions of KRS 350, notice is hereby given that Cardinal Reclamation Company, LLC., 43029 Industrial Park Drive, P. O. Box 305, Cadiz, Ohio 43907, has applied for a Phase III bond release on Increment Numbers 1, 3, 5, and 6 on Permit Number 826-0702 which was last issued on June 21, 2021. This application covers a surface area of 237.47 acres of surface disturbance and underlies an additional 552.06 acres for a total area of 767.83 acres. The operation is located approximately 1.00 mile southwest of Gardner in Bell, Clay and Knox Counties.
The permit area is located approximately 3.00 miles southwest from Ky Route 66’s junction with Ky Route 1524 and located at the head of Carter Roark Branch and Lick Fork. The permit is located on the Beverly USGS 7 ½ minute quadrangle map.
The bond now in effect for Permit Number 826-0702 is surety bonds in the amounts of: Increment Number 1 - $21,700, of which one hundred (100%) of the bond is included in the application for release; Increment Number 3 - $28,900, of which one hundred (100%) of the bond is included in the application for release; Increment Number 5 - $4,200, of which one hundred (100%) of the bond is included in the application for release; Increment Number 6 - $22,500, of which one hundred (100%) of the bond is included in the application for release.
Reclamation work performed includes: Backfilling, grading and vegetative treatment completed during June 2013.
Written comments, objections, and requests for a public hearing or informal conference must be filed with the Director, Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement, 300 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-6571, by Friday, September 27, 2024.
A public hearing on the application has been scheduled for Monday, September 30, 2024 at 9:00 a. m. or soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Department for Natural Resources Middlesboro Regional Office, 1804 East Cumberland Avenue, Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965-1229. The hearing will be cancelled if no request for a hearing or informal conference is received by Friday, September 27, 2024.
The Knox County Fiscal Court amended Ordinance #20200527-01 Knox County Fiscal Court Administrative Code during the August 28, 2024 Knox County Fiscal Court Meeting. The amended Ordinance# 20240828-01, Knox County Fiscal Court Administrative Code, is available in the Knox County Judge Executive’s Office Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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