LIHEAP enrollment now underway
Starting November 5, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Fall Subsidy enrollment is available through Kentucky’s Community Action Network for eligible Kentucky households. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis through December 20, 2024, or until designated funds have been expended.
Individuals looking to enroll should contact LIHEAP staff at KCEOC Community Action Agency at 606-595-8062 or 606-546-3152, ext. 305. Walk-ins are welcome from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Basic eligiblity requirements to enroll include:
Proof of Social Security number or Permanent Residence card (Green Card) for each member of the household
Proof of all household (all members) income from the preceeding month
Most current utility service bill including account number and name on account statement from your landlord if utility expenses are included in your rent statement from the utility company if you participate in a pre-pay program.
LIHEAP Fall Subsidy provides households with a one-time benefit depending on housing category, fuel type used for heating, and income level. Benefit can be applied towards home heating cost for electric, natural gas, propane, coal, wood, or fuel oil.
Benefits are paid directly to the household’s energy vendor. Prior LIHEAP assistance does not impact a household’s eligibility. Households must meet eligibility requirements, including income eligibility of up to and including 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For more information about LIHEAP, including contact information for all local Community Action agencies, please visit the Community Action Kentucky website at
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