Community Events - Week of 12-18-24
December 19, 2024

Al-Anon meets weekly
Al-Anon (Support for Families and Friends of Alcoholics) meets weekly on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in Barbourville.
Redemption & Recovery
Each Friday at 12:30 p.m. Redemption & Recovery meets at East Barbourville Baptist Church. Lunch provided.
Feed My Sheep Community Meal
Feed My Sheep Community Meal is once again starting our free weekly meal. We will serve on each Thursday at 6 p.m. except for 1st Thursday of the month. Hope to see all our old friends. We are located in Corbin on College St in The Barn.
Christmas Cantata at Roadside Baptist
Roadside Baptist Church, located at 50 Burlwood Drive in Boone Heights community of Barbourville, will be hosing a Christmas cantata at 6 p.m. on Sunday, December 21 featuring the Roadside Baptist Church choir. The cantata will feature a presentation of Christmas music for young and old alike, followed by a short children’s Christmas play and ending with desserts, coffee and hot chocolate. The event is free and open to the public. Everyone is invited!
Williamsburg Gospel Barn Hours for Christmas
Williamsburg Gospel Barn will be closed on Saturday, December 21st for the Christmas holiday. We look forward to seeing you again on Saturday, December 28th with the Singing Cookes and His Anointed Ones in concert.
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