Prayer On The Square—Beginning Year 19!!

by Rev. Leonard Lester, Barbourville

As I have reflected on this last year, my mind almost slips into a spin.  I have never lived such a short or more historic year in my lifetime.  And for all the fulness that has been crammed in these days I have this earie feeling that it’s not over.  I am so thankful that God has created prayer for anxious, uncertain times.  There is so much that our news outlets will rehearse but I feel an overwhelming need to reflect on where we are and what is coming.  I trust you can carve out such meditation moments in this busy holiday season.  Reflect on our present reality in the presence of the Prince of Peace.
Our kick-off gathering for the new year for Prayer on the Square is January 1st, Wednesday at 7 pm, in the Knox County Courthouse.  We are honored this month to have as our special speaker the TREASURER OF KENTUCKY, MARK METCALF!!  Half of his biography will follow this article with the second half in next week’s paper.  Mark is a powerful Constitutional Officer with increasing responsibilities.  We are appreciative of his coming to our community of faith and sharing with us.  Help us get the word out and mark your calendars early!  

Biography of Mark Metcalf, Treasurer of Kentucky
Mark H Metcalf serves as Kentucky’s 39th State Treasurer. Prior to his election as Treasurer, he practiced law for 38 years as a private practitioner, state and federal prosecutor, and as a judge on the US Immigration Court in Miami, Florida. He was selected Kentucky’s Outstanding County Attorney in 2013 for his work as a special prosecutor and for one of the highest DUI conviction rates in the state. Treasurer Metcalf has twice represented Kentucky before the US Supreme Court as Special Assistant Attorney General of Kentucky. In civilian life, he served as Garrard County Attorney in Lancaster, Kentucky, a post to which he was elected six-times.
 Treasurer Metcalf is a veteran of Iraq and served 29 years in the Kentucky Army National Guard, retiring as a lieutenant colonel in 2020. While posted to Baghdad, he served as Garrison Command Judge-Advocate at Victory Base Complex and on special assignments represented the 25th Infantry Division and the 2d Brigade of the 82d Airborne Division. His unit, the 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, coordinated the removal of American and foreign personnel, weapons, and equipment from Victory Base and closed American combat operations throughout Iraq. Treasurer Metcalf has-twice-received-the-Army Meritorious Service Medal.  (--to be continued)

Rev. Leonard A. Lester
Barbourville, Ky.