Lady Panthers crowned 51st District Champions

by Larry Spicer, Reporter

It was a hard fought battle, but the Knox Central Lady Panthers have been crowned the 2025 51st District champions.
It was a tight back and forth affair through most of the game, however, the Lady Panthers never lost their fight. 
Thanks to that effort they sit once again at the very top of the mountain in the 51st.
Leading the way for Knox Central was Halle Collins with 22 hard earned points.
However, in the ultimate team effort, Hannah Melton, Shelbie Mills, and MacKenzie Hensley each added 11 points to the big win.
Hats off the Lady Mountain Lions who were led on the night by Ava Arnett with 14 points in a strong performance.
Now the Lady Panthers will try to stake their claim on the 13th Region next week.
Photo by Larry Spicer

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