Classifieds and Public Notices - Week of 11-23-2023
Wanted: Church clergy to baptize man in a dress as John the Baptist baptized Jesus in a dress. Church clergy reply only by sending contact info to
Moving Out-of-State Yard Sale
Most items priced from $1-$5 & offers welcome. Baby items, housewares, electronics, clothing, holiday decor and MORE! FREE kittens to good homes! December 1-3. 5405 Hammons Fork Rd., Woollum. House is at far end of road, look for sign on mailbox.
FOR RENT - 2 Bedroom house. Call 546-6245.
APARTMENT FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apartment, 1.5 bath, central heat and air. Call 606-546-0850 after 4 p.m. for more information.
FOR RENT: 2BR apt., some located in town. Stove and ref. furnished. HUD accepted. Some utilities paid by landlord. 546-6053. If no answer leave a message. 29tfn
Pursuant to Application Number 861-0576 Amendment 1
In accordance with KRS 350.070, notice is hereby given that Torchlight Energy Inc, 1658 Torchlight Road, Louisa KY 41230 has applied for an Amendment to an existing surface coal mining and reclamation operation located 2.00 miles north of Bryants Store in Knox County. The proposed Amendment will add 18.65 acres of surface disturbance and will underlie an additional 30.00 acres making a total surface area of 39.56 acres within the amended permit boundary.
The proposed operation is approximately 0.75 miles East from KY 1809’s junction with Stoney Fork Road and located 0.10 miles north of an unnamed tributary of Stoney Fork.
The proposed operation is located on the Barbourville U.S.G.S. 7 ½-minute quadrangle map. The surface and underground area to be disturbed is owned by Jeremy & Genie Waligorski. The operation will use the Highwall/Auger miner methods of surface mining.
The application has been filed for public inspection at the Division of Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Middlesboro Regional Office, 1804 E. Cumberland Ave, Middlesboro, KY 40965. Written comments, objections, or requests for a permit conference must be filed with the Director, Division of Permits, 300 Sower Blvd., Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
J & M Repairs will be selling a 2013 Silver Malibu on Dec 8 at 8:00 a.m. for services rendered if the amount is not paid in full
VIN #: 1G11H5SA9DF304987
Currently in Kimberly Hubbard’s name
P.O. Box 574 Woodbine, KY 40771
Contact James Lowe 606-309-6206
Pursuant to 405 KAR 8:010, Section 16(5), the following is a summary of permitting decisions made by the Department for Natural Resources, Division of Mine Permits with respect to applications to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations in Knox County.
Torchlight Energy Inc., 8610576, NW, 10/18/2023
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