Prayer On The Square: Now More Than Ever

by Leonard Lester, Barbourville, KY

Prayer on the Square turns 17 next Monday at 7pm at the Knox County Courthouse, January 1, 2024! And prayer is needed more than ever. There is no better way to start the New Year than kneeling before the Creator and committing ourselves to His service for this new year. The “First Fruits” of our time will bless the heart of God when we humble ourselves and seek His face as the One who made us to have life and have it abundantly.

THE TOP THREE PRAYER REQUESTS on my list this year are:

#3. Our economy—Everywhere we see cracks in our economy. The downward spiral of inflation, work force shortages, education obstructions, wars blocking supply lines, banking weaknesses, and market rumblings, bode darkness for the next while.

#2 Our military—Low numbers, medical issues, multiple trouble spots that stretch lines very thin, war drums beating the strongest in many years. Confusion in leadership, and uncertainty of purpose, create anxiety for the world that has looked for leadership from us in the past.

#1 Our faith—I have never seen such demonic oppression in my lifetime. When nominees to the highest courts in the land can’t answer the question of a person’s gender; when the Bible is denied by scholars and the media take such license to its teachings; when assembling together to worship is too much trouble; when confusion in the minds of our children is protected from parents; when trafficking of women and children is the largest financial business in the world; when Satan is worshipped openly, we are in danger of imminent judgement.

These things are not fear porn. They are a cry for God’s people to humble themselves, pray seek His face, and turn from their wickedness. We want freedom and joy for our children. God has the power to make this happen and the love to give it to us. He is looking for people of one mind and one accord who love each other and will provoke one another to that love and sacrificial good works for everyone. Our Christian witness needs to be stronger now than at any time in our lives. People do not need to question where we stand. Courage, boldness, and zeal expressed with wisdom, understanding and knowledge is what God will bless.

Encourage someone to join you in the heart of our community, in praying for our world to its ends and for our homes. Use your social media and church announcements to get the word out. Earnest fervent prayer of a righteous people accomplishes much. Seek His righteousness and God’s best for others. Join us.

Leonard Lester

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