Classifieds and Public Notices - Week of 2-9-2024
FOR RENT - 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home for rent. Washer/dryer hookup, refrigerator and stove furnished. No pets. Call 606-627-7990.
ENDS 1-31-2024
Large upstairs apartment in the heart of downtown Barbourville, featuring two full bathrooms, washer/dryer hookup, stove and refrigerator provided. Four large areas that can be used for bedrooms or other purposes. Not HUD approved. Non-smoking. No pets permitted. Electricity, water, sewer and garbage pickup included. $750/month plus $750 security deposit due at lease signing. One-year lease. References and background check required. Call Gerald, 606-546-9225 ext. 102 to schedule an appointment for viewing
Pursuant to Application Number 861-0562
In accordance with KRS 350.055, notice is hereby given that JMR Resources, LLC, 320 Catalpa Street, Pineville, KY 40977 has applied for a permit for a surface coal mining and reclamation operation affecting 121.82 acres located 1.20 miles south of Dishman Springs in Knox County.
The proposed operation is approximately 0.3 miles East from KY RT 6’s junction with Smith Hollow Road and located 3.98 miles east of Helton Branch. The Latitude is 36-51-45 and the Longitude is 83-57-07.
The proposed operation is located on the Barbourville U.S.G.S. 7 ½-minute quadrangle map. The surface and underground area to be disturbed is owned by Donnie Patrick, Ronnie Patrick, Donnie Bruce Patrick and Vicky Mills. The operation will use the contour and Auger/Highwall miner methods of mining.
This is the final advertisement of this application; all comments, objections, or requests for a permit conference must be received within thirty (30) days of today’s date.
The application has been filed for public inspection at the Division of Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Middlesboro Regional Office, 1804 E. Cumberland Ave, Middlesboro, KY 40965. Written comments, objections, or requests for a permit conference must be filed with the Director, Division of Permits, 300 Sower Blvd., Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
ENDS 1-31-2024
Pursuant to Application No. 861-5370 NW
In accordance with KRS 350.055, notice is hereby given that Alex Creek Mining, LLC, 405 Bridal Veil Falls St., Indian Springs, NV 89018 has applied for a permit for an underground coal mining operation located 1.5 miles north of Field, Kentucky in Knox County. The proposed operation will disturb 6.47 surface acres within the permit boundary.
The proposed operation is approximately 0.25 mile east of the intersection of Straight Creek Road and Alex Creek Road and located just north of Alex Creek.
The proposed operation is located on the Beverly 7-1/2 minute quadrangle map. The surface area to be disturbed is owned by Alex Creek Mining, LLC and Kathy S. Melton. The operation will affect an area within 100 feet of a public road,
Alex Creek Road. The operation will not involve relocation and/or closure of the public road.
This is the final advertisement of this application. All comments, objections, or requests for a permit conference must be received within 30 days of this date. The application has been filed for public inspection at the Division for Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s Middlesboro Regional Office, 1804 East Cumberland Avenue, Middlesboro, Kentucky 40965-1229. Written comments, objections or requests for a permit conference must be filed with the Director, Division of Permits, 300 Sower Blvd, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
ENDS 1-31-2024
Knox County Utility Commission financials and board member listings may be viewed at the Utility’s office at 1905 KY 930, Barbourville, KY 40906. Office hours are Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
ENDS 1-31-2024
Pursuant to Application Number 861-0562
In accordance with KRS 350.055, notice is hereby given that JMR Resources, LLC, 320 Catalpa Street, Pineville, KY 40977 has applied for a permit for a surface coal mining and reclamation operation affecting 121.82 acres located 1.20 miles south of Dishman Springs in Knox County.
The proposed operation is approximately 0.3 miles East from KY RT 6’s junction with Smith Hollow Road and located 3.98 miles east of Helton Branch. The Latitude is 36-51-45 and the Longitude is 83-57-07.
The proposed operation is located on the Barbourville U.S.G.S. 7 ½-minute quadrangle map. The surface and underground area to be disturbed is owned by Donnie Patrick, Ronnie Patrick, Donnie Bruce Patrick and Vicky Mills. The operation will use the contour and Auger/Highwall miner methods of mining.
The application has been filed for public inspection at the Division of Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Middlesboro Regional Office, 1804 E. Cumberland Ave, Middlesboro, KY 40965. Written comments, objections, or requests for a permit conference must be filed with the Director, Division of Permits, 300 Sower Blvd., Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
ENDS 2-14-2024
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